Sunday, March 4, 2012


     Right now, Momma is melting snow on the wood stove.  We've brought in split wood for now, and heavier round logs for overnight.  It is supposed to get down to -3 tonight, but right now, the sun shines in patches of blue sky.
     We have the ice cream and milk, along side the coolers of meat, vegetables, and frozen blueberries, on the deck in the three feet of snow I haven't shoveled.  I've done the rest, though I cold have done a better job around the woodpile.
     Walking to the feeders, the snow is over my knees (but remember I'm not quite 5 foot).  I have to lift as I shovel the front porch, as the snow is even with the wide boards.
     We knew the storm  - we was coming on Friday evening, but we had to see a doctor in Alpena and couldn't get away until 9:30 PM.  We got as far as the Alpena airport and had to turn around.  The snow was a wet one, and the road was inches deep in slush.  We spent the night at a Days Inn, then headed for Hillman about 10:00 AM.
     We called friends, and Jerry had us plowed out, but Ess Lake Drive had seen no plow.  I drove carefully to Hillman  at about 45 or 50.  When we reched Hillman, some of the town was without power.  624 was quite snowy, but even the hills were drivable.  When we reached Ess Lake Drive, it still had seen no blade, but there were tracks in the deep snow, we believe Jerry had made them as we were able to make it to our drive way, and in.
     I guess power went out about 12:30 AM Saturday morning.  It may be Monday or Tuesday before it is back on.  The heavy snow took down power lines all over the northern part of the state.  We should be fine -food in the snow - wood in the stove - snow water for flushing - bottle water for washing-God's grace.
     Pray for all those not so lucky.  Jackie's mother is on oxygen constantly, so she and her mother are staying with friends.  Those without wood stoves are filling the area motels-I guess this makes up for our warm winter.
     Pray for those fighting tornadoes - death and destruction.  God has blessed us, and blesses us daily.  May God continue to bless you too despite what nature sends!

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