Update on Tucks and Me (my historical novel on Crispus Attucks): After much revision, I have sent simultaneous submissions to seven agents. I have been working on the next set of submissions and a couple of contests for March.
I have been taking photographs for several years now, and finally decided to do something with them, so I went to my first craft fair in November. I was more successful than I imagined I would be. I even sold five copies of my poetry collection, Dusting By Stars.
I've formed a business called "Chickadee Hill, Inc." I hope to get my book in bookstores in Northern Michigan, and attend more craft fairs. I am offering to do poetry readings and hold poetry workshops.
I know these are retirement days. I also know I am living and taking care of my mother, but she is doing remarkably well since I've moved north. I've sold my place in Dubuque, Iowa to a foster daughter. I seem to have the energy, and my mother's encouragement, so here I go!
I know these are retirement days. I also know I am living and taking care of my mother, but she is doing remarkably well since I've moved north. I've sold my place in Dubuque, Iowa to a foster daughter. I seem to have the energy, and my mother's encouragement, so here I go!
I hope to keep up with my blog, and post new entries each week. The photo on this blog is the background to my poetry collection, and an example of my photogrpahy.
I hope to hear from all of you. I don't intend to do any other social media, so this is where we can have conversations. Love and Blessings to you all!
I hope to hear from all of you. I don't intend to do any other social media, so this is where we can have conversations. Love and Blessings to you all!
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